Acrylic line drawing
Acrylic line drawing

About Me

An artist interested in making art images, on a daily basis, offering them to you to enjoy.


Cecilia Rolando

This site still requires a great deal of editing. However, I wanted to get some of the images out for viewers to enjoy! Please email me if there are comments or questions.

I enjoy drawing and painting a variety of things but especially enjoy the complexity of the human face.

I enjoy drawing all kinds of subjects but especially enjoy drawing a great variety of faces.

Welcome to my site.  
I use this image as a logo in that it represents my artistic search and effort.

My Logo

I use this image for a logo in that it expresses my artistic effort and search.

Photography is a constant obsession as I spot endless images everywhere I go. I often convert coloured photos into black and white using the options on my computer and phone.

Morning Sunlight

The light of day and night offer such beauty.

The Cadmium Yellows are of my favourite colors in nature and paint.
From the Garden – the image as well as the colours and textures draw me in to photograph.
Summer offers endless beauty everywhere I go.
Here one can see how the colors of nature inspire the abstracted image.
The simple use of line to reinvent the natural.
A small watercolor printed on a 8″ x 8″ tile.
The use of erratic line and color to create movement.


The endless verticals created by this areas trees are a constant inspiration to me.

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